This report covers the latest initiatives of FUE’s EPSF student members:
Committee: The Egyptian Public Health Federation Committee of ESPF
Title of Event: Blood Donation
Location: Abbas El Akkad, El Saah Sq.
Date & Time: July 29, 2015 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Number of Participants: 13 students
Event Details:
• On the above-mentioned date a “Blood Donation” event took place. The members of the EPSF Executive Office started by making available the flyers needed to promote the importance of conducting blood donation campaigns as well as highlighting the benefits for the donner to donate blood stating that blood donation speeds up the functionality of the blood cells division whereby new cells are produced at a faster rate.
• Mr Tawfik Ahmed Tawfik, President of EPSF, gave a presentation on “Blood Donation” explaining the importance and benefits of donating blood; Mr Tawfik shared the values of the Committee stating that a drop of blood could save a life. Moreover, he explained that blood donation initiatives are solutions to Egypt’s blood shortage. Following the presentation, the members started the flyer distribution under the Committee’s motto of “a drop of your blood … another life’s survival”.
• The event ended successfully and each EPSF member left at the end of the event knowing that s/he has taken a giant step towards fulfilling the ESPF’s Blood Donation goal in making Egypt a self-contained country in its need for blood.