Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
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Omneya Eid

Basic information

Name : Omneya Eid
Title: Assistant Lecturer
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Personal Info: Pharmacist Omneya Eid, Assistant Lecturer of Pharmacognosy, Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department, She got her B.Sc degree at Future University in Egypt


Certificate Major University Year
Masters 2018
Bachelor 2013

Researches /Publications

Comprehensive overview: the effect of using different solvents for barley extraction with its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity

Omneya Eid Mohamed Mohamed Eid

Shahira Ezzat; Abeer El Sayed; Essam Abdelsattar



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Novel Cycloartan derivative with genetic and metabolic proϐiling of two Crassulaceae species

Omneya Eid Mohamed Mohamed Eid

Shahira M., Ezzat, , Mariam. Gonaid, Mouchira. Choucry


Crassula tetragona L. and Crassula ovata (Mill). are ornamental species of fam ily Crassulaceae. Although this family is known for its high medicinal values, however, there is no much work considering the two species. Hence, this study represents the ϐirst comparative investigation of the genetic and metabolic proϐiling of the aerial part of both species. In this study, an examination of the genetic properties of both plants were accomplished, quantitative estimation of the main chemical classes of both species were also per formed, investigation of the lipoidal matter of the plants and the major com pounds of the methylene chloride (MeCl) fractions were isolated and identified using 1D and 2D NMR. Our results proved the genetic difference using RAPD and ISSR techniques of both plants. Estimation of triterpene was 63.18 µg/100µg and 87.06 µg/100µg, ursolic acid equivalent, in C. tetragona and C. ovata respectively. The unsaponiϐiable matter (USM) of n-hexane extract of C. tetragona and C. ovata revealed the presence of 32 hydrocarbons with the presence of n-tricontane as the major hydrocarbon in both species, in addition to seven steroidal components in both species. The investigation of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) revealed the presence of 12 components in C. tetragona and 9 components in C. ovata, and a novel triterpene, namely, 28-Methyl-5α-cycloart12, 20, 24-trien-15β-Ol was isolated and identified from MeCl together with 5 known compounds.

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